Immediately after you find out that your home may be in mortgage or tax foreclosure, take these 4 steps.
You Call
SaveYourHomePhilly Hotline
at 215-334-HOME (4663)
The Hotline staff will:
- Collect basic information about your household situation, and
- Schedule an appointment for you to meet with a City-funded housing counselor.

You Assemble
Your Financial Documents
You will need to gather the following items to take to your housing counselor:
- Proof of all household income
- Evidence of any recurring household expenses
- A copy of your loan documents
- Copies of any foreclosure or court notices received
See the housing counseling meeting page for more details.

You Meet
With Your Housing Counselor
- Be sure to bring along the necessary financial documentation to your meeting.
- The housing counselor will review your financial situation and help you to prepare a proposal to resolve the foreclosure complaint, which will be presented to your lender.

For Mortgage Foreclosure:
You Attend
Your Conciliation Conference
- The Court will schedule a “Conciliation Conference” for you and your lender.
- At the Conciliation Conference, you and your housing counselor will have a chance to negotiate a workout plan with your lender.
- If you do not have an assigned housing counselor, go to the conference and you will be assigned to a counselor at court.
- If you have an assigned counselor but did not have the time to meet with your counselor before the date of the first conference, you must still go to the conference where you will meet with your counselor at court.
- If you, the owner of record, are unable to attend the conference, call the Hotline at 215-334-HOME (4663) for advice.
For Tax Foreclosure:
You Attend
Your Rule Returnable Hearing
- The Court will schedule a “Rule Returnable Hearing” for you.
- At the Rule Returnable Hearing, you will have the opportunity to meet with a housing counselor or a legal services representative.
- You will then meet with the tax collection entity to work out a payment arrangemen
- If you, the owner of record, are unable to attend the hearing, call the Hotline at 215-334-HOME (4663) for advice.
© 2023 Division of Housing and Community Development. (DHCD) All Rights Reserved.
It is the policy of the City of Philadelphia to provide services without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation,
having AIDS or being perceived to have AIDS, national origin, ancestry, familial status, physical handicap or age.